This is the continuation of the previous article on Depression and Dementia. What is the relationship of Depression and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)? • The biological changes caused by AD may intensify a predisposition to depression; • Depression may increase the chances of developing AD; • Depression can affect quality of life of persons with AD:…

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We all experience stress at work and at home. Here are some facts about stress to help us understand and manage it better (sources:,, What is Stress? • Body’s way of responding to perceived threats • Body releases stress hormones (e.g. adrenaline, cortisol) which cause • Physical changes in your body (“fight…

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THE AGING PROCESS Old Paradigm – Aging leads to an inevitable process of decline – Body increases in stiffness, rigidity; closes down mentally & physically – Body contracts and we lose height, strength and flexibility – Natural free range of motion becomes restricted New Paradigm Modern science has confirmed the healing power of movement –…

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