I attended the 1st VasCog Philippines conference last February 25 at Seda Hotel in Quezon City. VasCog Philippines is part of the International Society of Vascular Behavioral & Cognitive Disorders and one of its aim is to better “understand the non-physical outcomes of cerebral vascular brain injury like cognitive & behavioral impairments”. Specifically, vascular dementia…

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I attended the International Neuropsychological Society mid-year meeting in Prague, Czech Republic last July. I not only learned a lot (that will help me improve my skills in assessment), I also met nice and interesting colleagues. Attending the conference gave me a bigger view of the field of neuropsych and neuroscience and how people from…

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* Being fully present in the HERE and NOW has great benefits. * Being present means fully experiencing what you are doing, thinking and feeling in the moment and not letting worry, fearful and angry thoughts distract you. * A good technique to stay in the present is to breath slowly and deeply. Inhale for…

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When reprimanding, scolding your child (or giving feedback to a colleague or subordinate), it is best to remember the following: • Always focus on the behavior that is being reprimanded (or discussed in the feedback); Not on the child or adult. • Please do not make statements like “bad boy/bad girl!”, “tanga ka!”, “stupido ka!”….

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