bicycle-785340_640What kind of aerobic exercises may be beneficial to the post stroke brain?

1. “…it seems that 30-60 minutes of treadmill or cycling aerobic training 3-5 days per week at 60-80% HRR (Heart Rate Range) for at least 8 weeks commonly yields improvements in cognitive and executive functions, cardiorespiratory fitness, and walking performance in post-stroke individuals.”

2. Bea cited several limitations to methodology such as use of animal models, need to improve the measurement techniques of BDNF as well as the need to develop exercise parameters that will be beneficial to the post-stroke brain.
3. Nevertheless, there is a growing body of research suggesting that “aerobic exercise may play a role in improving the post-stroke brain through changes in motor learning, cognitive and executive function, cardiovascular fitness and walking.”

Outside of the research field, many people who live active and healthy lifestyles can attest to the benefits they experience from aerobic exercise. Aside from walking on a treadmill, cycling and swimming, other aerobic exercises we can engage in are running, aerobic/dance classes (e.g. step, hip-hop, Zumba). I for one have been taking aerobics/dancing/step classes for many years now.

Aside from aerobic exercise being good for our mind and body, resistance or weight training is just as important to keep our bones healthy and strong. I, for one, was an avid gym rat for a long while, doing mostly free weights. Carrying weights helps me to keep my bones strong especially in my legs and arms. Of late, I have also been doing more and more stretching exercises. My work entails a lot of writing, and sitting for hours in front of my laptop has made my body stiff (I’m sure a lot of us have the same experience as far as work goes!). Making sure to engage in aerobic exercise, resistance training and stretching, at least twice a week (although I do short sessions at home and on my own), has helped me stimulate and keep my mind active, my body strong and lean, and my mood happy and positive!

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