Is your son or daughter exhibiting the following behaviors?

  • • Difficulty planning and prioritizing tasks/activities and managing time.
  • • Difficulty keeping things organized and is always losing things
  • • Difficulty starting any task (e.g. homework) on his/her own and finishing assignments/projects by the deadline
  • • Easily forgeting lessons, multi-step instructions
  • • Makes careless mistakes and does not notice them
  • • Is talkative and/or impulsive
  • • Difficulty controlling emotions

If so, your child may have an EXECUTIVE SKILLS DYSFUNCTION.
EXECUTIVE SKILLS are skills a person needs to be able to get things done. In children we call these study skills, in adults we call these work skills.
Examples in children are:

  • * accomplishing assignments and submitting these on time;
  • * losing ballpens, erasers and water jugs in school;
  • * adding numbers when the equation called for subtraction.

Children showing difficulties or dysfunction in executive skills need help.

Neuropsychological/psychoeducational assessments will help identify these problems and point the way toward intervention.

Work with a teacher or an occupational therapist familiar with these problems is often the next step.

For the sake of your relationship with your child, seek professional help. The sooner the better.

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