brothers-764670_640As defined by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention:
“Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction,verbal and non-verbal communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. The diagnostic criteria require that symptoms become apparent before a child is three years old.” It is important to watch out for early signs of the condition in you child. The earlier the diagnosis, the earlier the interventions, the better the outcome for the child. The better the outcome the better the quality of life for everyone in the family. The early signs are:

Early signs of autism in babies and toddlers
– Doesn’t make eye contact (e.g. look at you when being fed).
– Doesn’t smile when smiled at.
– Doesn’t respond to his or her name or to the sound of a familiar voice.
– Doesn’t follow objects visually.
– Doesn’t point or wave goodbye or use other gestures to communicate.
– Doesn’t follow the gesture when you point things out.
– Doesn’t make noises to get your attention.
– Doesn’t initiate or respond to cuddling.
– Doesn’t imitate your movements and facial expressions. (Source:

If you notice any of these behaviors in your baby, consult your pediatrician or a developmental pediatrician soonest.

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