I have been asked how one can handle anxiety. These are ways you can help yourself:

1. First, know yourself and what triggers your attacks. When you are about to experience or are going through an anxiety attack, observe your thoughts and write them down. This will help you identify the triggers of your anxiety attacks.

2. Once you know the events and circumstances that trigger your attacks you can sort them into what is solvable and what is not.

3. For triggers that are “solvable”, take concrete/tangible steps to address the problem (e.g. taking a test, talking in front of an audience, attending a convention and having to “network” with strangers).

If you need the help of a professional, consult a psychotherapist or a counselor or talk to a friend.

4. For triggers that are not “solvable”, make peace with them and accept them (e.g. being diagnosed with a medical condition, conflicts with parents or siblings, a death of or separation from a loved one).

A therapist can also help you develop strategies to manage these stresses.

5. Exercise regularly. Aerobic dancing /kickboxing /yoga /jogging are great ways to not only live healthily but also to get the anxiety and stress out of your system.

6. Make sure to get enough sleep. Some helpful techniques to prepare you for bedtime: avoid watching TV at night, tone down the lights in your room, drink warm milk, read a book.

7. When you get up in the morning, smile at yourself in the mirror and say “Hi beautiful/handsome, let’s have a great day!”